Restoring Services: Phase 4 Proposed Changes - Effective July 25, 2020


Restoring Services: Phase 4 Proposed Changes - Effective July 25, 202…

Sung 0 390 2020.08.10 09:41
Faith-Based Gatherings, Pow Wows and Other Cultural and Spiritual Indoor Gatherings, Stage Performances and Movie Theatres
Change: eliminating the need for cohorts and resuming live theatrical performances and reopening movie theatres

Changes include easing restrictions for faith-based gatherings, including pow wows and other cultural and spiritual events, resuming stage performances and reopening movie theatres.

For faith-based gatherings, the site capacity will be a maximum of 30 per cent or 500 people, whichever is lower. Sub-groups or cohorts are no longer required. If preferred, organizations can continue to allow cohorts of 50 people to a maximum of 30 per cent of a site's capacity, with no cap on the number of attendees. Members of the public must be able to reasonably able to maintain a separation of at least two metres from others, except for brief exchanges.

This change does not apply to social gatherings, weddings and funerals, or other organized gatherings or events. These gatherings must follow public health guidelines for the venue where they are being held.

Stage performances and movie theatres may reopen, at a capacity of 30 per cent of the site's capacity or 500 people, whichever is lower. Sub-groups or cohorts are not required.

Physical distancing must be possible between individuals, households and small groups of people travelling to the event together. People should stay home and self-isolate when showing symptoms as well as follow restrictions related to singing, musical instruments and dancing continue.

Sites must also address physical distancing in areas where patrons may congregate between shows, performances or acts of a play at intermissions.

Detailed public health guidance for these events/locations is available at:


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