COVID-19 Screening sites open in Winnipeg


COVID-19 Screening sites open in Winnipeg

Sung 1 501 2020.03.15 12:56
Two more screening centres are also being set up in Winnipeg: one will be at Mount Carmel Clinic located on 886 Main St., and the other is at Access Transcona located on 845 Regent Ave. W.

These two are in addition to the screening centres at Access Winnipeg West located at 280 Booth Dr. and Access Fort Garry located at 135 Plaza Dr.

Testing at these sites will be available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and will be open weekends from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

People who are showing cold or flu-like symptoms and have a relevant travel history should contact Health Links at 204-788-8200 or toll free at 1-888-315-9257 for both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19-related health concerns.


Sung 2020.03.15 13:11
추가 사항: 대중모임 안내문
Measures to reduce the risks posed by mass gathering events include:

Providing clear communication to participants before attending about the risks and advice on how to protect themselves and others to reduce virus transmission to inform individual decision making about attending the event
Encouraging personal protective, individual and environmental measures by all attendees
Increasing interpersonal distancing (ideally separation of at least 2 metres, not shaking hands, avoiding communal sleeping areas)
Eliminating self-serve buffet style eating at social/religious gatherings
Support frequent hand hygiene by providing hand sanitizers dispensers in prominent locations
Discourage attendees from sharing food or drinks
Requiring that ill be excluded people or those with high-risk medical conditions not to attend gatherings and ensuring event organizers have arrangements in place to safely isolate and transport people who become ill on-site remain the most important measures to prevent transmission.
Implementing organizational measures for the event such as cancellation, postponement, or rearrangement of the event (e.g., offering virtual participation, live streaming to allow participation from a distance, moving venue from indoors to outdoors)
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