Implementation on June 21, 2020. Changes in the final Phase Three plan


Implementation on June 21, 2020. Changes in the final Phase Three pl…

Sung 0 438 2020.08.10 09:36
Public Gatherings: Faith-Based and Other Cultural Gatherings
Change: Adjustments to people permitted indoors in distinct groups.

Public gatherings of 50 people will be allowed indoors and 100 people outdoors, where members of the public are reasonably able to maintain a separation of at least two metres from others, except for brief exchanges. This change also applies to social gatherings, worship, weddings and funerals, as well as pow wows and other Indigenous cultural and spiritual events. These gatherings must follow public health guidelines for the venue where they are being held.

Larger group sizes are allowed where distinct groups of 50 or 100 can be separated to prevent contact with other groups.

Indoor gatherings are permitted with a maximum group size of 30 per cent of the site's capacity provided the group can be physically divided into sub-groups of 50 or fewer. Each sub-group must be able to arrive, depart and participate in the gathering without co-mingling with members from any other sub-group. Adequate physical distancing must continue to be provided for all participants.
Larger outdoor gatherings are permitted, provided the gathering can be physically divided into sub-groups of 100 or fewer and are limited to 30 per cent of the site's usual capacity. While some outdoor venues may have defined capacity, others may require the use of reasonableness or 30 per cent of prior capacity at an event.. Each sub-group must be able to arrive, depart and participate in the gathering without co-mingling with members from any other sub-group. Adequate physical distancing must continue to be provided for all participants.


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