PCConnect NEWS - July-August 2024

부서별 소식

PCConnect NEWS - July-August 2024

Sung 0 472 2024.07.11 20:49
Standing Together Against Hate Based on Religious Identity
The Canadian Interfaith Conversation has issued a statement on behalf of over 60 signatory faith traditions and institutions, including the PCC, to present a common public position adopted by Canada’s faith communities on combatting hate against and between our country’s religious communities.

The Presbyterian Connection needs your photos!
Has your congregation held a recent event you would like to share with newspaper subscribers across Canada? A special anniversary? A summer picnic? A youth group retreat? We want your photos for the Gatherings section of the Fall issue of the Presbyterian Connection!

The PCC is turning 150 – share your story!

Do you have a favourite memory of singing in a choir, attending youth group, going to a potluck supper, attending the General Assembly—or anything else that shaped your involvement in the church? What are some of the things your congregation is doing today to share the good news of Jesus in your community? And what are your hopes and dreams for the PCC as it approaches 150 years?


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