2020년 7월 26일 일요일 예배후 전교인 야유회 모임 장소 안내

부서별 소식

2020년 7월 26일 일요일 예배후 전교인 야유회 모임 장소 안내

Sung 0 10,898 2020.07.20 13:17
오는 7월 26일 예배후 전 교인 야유회을 갖습니다.
장소 : Assiniboine Park Site 21
일시 : 2020, July. 26 Sunday after Worship
참고 사항  ; " City issued a new order restricting activities in city parks"을  참고 해 주세요.
                  " 사회적 거리두기 2미터을 유지 하시길 바랍니다"
WhEREAS by Order made by me dated May 22, 2020 by powers granted to me, as Chief Administrative
Officer of the City of Winnipeg, under the Parks By-law No. 85/2009, I ordered that Provincial COVID
19 Protection Orders dated May 21, 2020 be applicable in City parks and further ordered that persons who
were not of the same household must maintain a social distance of at least 2 metres from every other
person while in City parks;
AND WHEREAS by Orders dated May 29, 2020, the Chief Public Health Officer of the Province of
Manitoba has terminated the Orders dated May 21, 2020 and issued new COVID-19 Protection Orders
which impose less stringent restrictions on a variety of activities, including activities within parks;
AND WHEREAS the COVID-l 9 Protection Orders dated May 29, 2020 exempt municipalities from
their application except in relation to the delivery of recreational services and the operation of sporting
and recreational facilities;
AND WHEREAS Order 9 of the COVID-19 Protection Orders dated May 29, 2020 provide that all
outdoor sporting or recreational facilities may open and organized sporting activities may take place at
those facilities, and further provides that the operator of these facilities must:
(a) implement measures to ensure that members of the public at the facility are reasonably able to
maintain a separation of at least 2 metres from other members of the public present at the facility,
excluding participants while they are actively engaged in sporting or recreational activities at the
facility; and
(b) limit occupancy to all portions of the facility where sporting or recreational activities are not
conducted to 50% of the usual capacity.
NOW THEREFORE, as Interim Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Winnipeg, I hereby order as


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