Pandemic Response System(New COVID-19 Guide)

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Pandemic Response System(New COVID-19 Guide)

Sung 0 827 2020.08.21 05:18
The Pandemic Response System has been introduced to share the current level of risk, provide public health guidance to Manitobans and explain the range of measures in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Manitoba.

The province will update the provincial response level in response to the spread of the virus and other public health indicators.

There are four levels:

Green: Limited Risk
The spread of COVID-19 is broadly contained and a vaccine and/or effective treatment for COVID-19 is available.

Transmission of the virus is at very low to undetectable levels between household and close contacts. There may be single or isolated small outbreaks, which are quickly contained. Community transmission is low to undetectable.

Yellow: Caution
Community transmission of COVID-19 is at low levels.

Household and close contact transmission could be occurring in Manitoba. There may be single or isolated small cluster outbreaks which are quickly contained. Community transmission is low to undetectable.

Orange: Restricted
Community transmission of COVID-19 is occurring. However, the virus is being transmitted at levels that public health and the health system can manage.

New clusters are more common, but can be controlled through testing and contact tracing. The health care system is able to manage COVID-19 case levels.

Red: Critical
Community spread of COVID-19 is not contained and/or there are significant strains on our health care system.

The virus is being transmitted at levels that public health and the health system cannot manage. Extensive community transmission is occurring. There are widespread outbreaks and new clusters that cannot be controlled through testing and contact tracing. The health care system may be close to or over capacity


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